does mrcp part1 exam expire

Does MRCP Part 1 Exam expire?

In response to a request from one of our students asking- does MRCP Part 1 exam expire? It is common for many students to ask this same question. The most common answer you’ll get is that it does not expire at all. This is not entirely true.

I decided to address this question in this blog post.

What is MRCP Exam?

MRCP stands for Member of the Royal College of Physicians. This is a prestigious title and professional body in UK and many nations around the world. MRCP is a popular exam that is widely accepted by many nations, educational institutions, and hospitals all over the world.

MRCP is a postgraduate certification in UK that is required before one can take up the career of a Consultant Physician in the United Kingdom. This postgraduate exam is taken after the doctors qualify for the MRCP UK Exam Preparation.

The MRCP (UK) is recognized by over 90 countries worldwide, including India.

Learn more about MRCP Exam

MRCP Part 1 is an entry-level examination in medicine, which is designed and conducted by the UK Royal College of Physicians and Physicians of London. MRCP Part 1 Exam is a prerequisite for those who want to start their career as a doctor in the United Kingdom.

MRCP Exam Part 1 consists of 4 papers. A candidate has to pass successfully in all 4 papers to become an MRCP.

The format of the MRCP Exam Part 1 is multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Each question has four options. A candidate has to select one option from the given four options that is most appropriate to the question asked.

Does MRCP Part 1 exam expire?

MRCP Part 1 does not expire, however, doctors are required to take a refresher course every five years in order to keep their certification up-to-date.

The MRCP is a three-part exam that encompasses a number of surgical procedures and tests. In order for doctors to perform the MRCP, they must complete the three parts of the exam and pass each with the same professional organization. For example, if a doctor is certified in the UK, they are not able to be certified in the US until they pass the MRCP part 1 again. In some cases, patients may see a doctor who has been practicing for years and is not certified. This is because MRCP Part 2 and MRCP PACES of the exam are not required in most countries unless a doctor decides to specialize in a certain area of medicine.

Since MRCP Part 1 doesn’t expire it is up to you to make sure your medical knowledge is up-to-date and that you have taken proper steps to be successful in passing the MRCP Part 1.

learn about PLAB vs MRCP

As per the official website of RCPSC (Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada), it states that “You must re-take MRCP Part 1 after five cycles (5 x 2 years = 10 years) and MRCP Part 2 after 2 cycles (2 x 2 years = 4 years) have elapsed since your exam date. The two-year cycle for MRCP Part 2 will start on your exam date.”

In conclusion, MRCP Part 1 does not expire but doctors need to take a refresher course every five years in order to keep their certification valid.

If a doctor does not take the refresher course, their certification will be invalid and they will not be able to practice as a specialist in the UK.

For all you MRCP Aspirants out there, hope you’ve been enjoying our series on the MRCP Exam and all of the helpful tips and tricks we’ve been giving you.